What is a CT Scan?
By TE Cunningham
You have just sustained a severe injury, and the doctor orders a CAT or CT scan. Sounds scary, you think – what is that? The simplest explanation is that it is a photo of your body’s inside; using X-rays and computer technology, the CT scan created pictures of your organs, bones, and more. It is far more informative than a simple X-ray, which is why it is such a useful diagnostic tool to the medical profession. The CT stands for “computed tomography.”
Getting a CT scan is not painful, and a scan can be ordered for virtually any part of your body. The procedure is usually performed at a hospital or clinic and eating, and drinking is restricted for hours before the scan.
You should not have a scan if you are pregnant, and serious thought should be given before a scan is performed on a child; typically, there will be an adjustment made to the scan when being used on a child. The scans use X-rays, which produce ionizing radiation; while the risk of developing cancer from the radiation is low, it does increase as you have additional scans.
The scans are used to detect several issues, including:
- Detection of cancerous tumors
- Bone & joint issues like fractures
- Internal bleeding & blood clots
- Emphysema
- Heart disease
- Liver masses
- Fluids & infection
Additionally, they are a tool for physicians administering treatment plans and procedures; this includes surgery and radiation therapy. They can also use CT scans over various periods to see how the treatment plan is working – is the bleeding stopped, is the tumor smaller?
When doctors need to see your tissue more clearly or need a more in-depth look at specific organs, they may order a CT Scan with contrast. In that instance, a dye is injected into the patient through an IV, orally via a liquid or in some cases as an enema. When contrast is used, the patient is encouraged to drink plenty of water to remove the dye from the body.
For a CT Scan in Emporia, KS your healthcare provider will work with the Newman Regional Health Radiation and Imaging department to schedule your appointment.
To learn more about all of our imaging services and capabilities – please visit the page on our webpage: Radiology and Imaging

Newman Regional Health is equipped with a State of the Art Toshiba 160 Slice CT Scanner that provides highly detailed images of the human body.
The Toshiba 160 slice CT scanner non-invasively assists physicians in the diagnosis of a variety of anatomical areas, including spine, head, abdomen and chest. The Toshiba 160 slice CT scanner allows providers to simultaneously capture multiple wafer-thin images of a patient’s anatomy within seconds, shaving precious minutes off the exam time.
The Toshiba 160 Slice CT system compliments and extends the high range of quality diagnostic services that Newman Regional Health offers the residents of Emporia and the surrounding area. The Toshiba 160 Slice CT Scanner provides our providers with vastly improved image quality, and entry into new applications such as CT angiography and an overall enhanced diagnostic confidence on all studies.