Inpatient Medical Rehabilitation

Inpatient rehabilitation helps you recover and reach your greatest potential following a disabling injury or illness

Life sometimes brings unexpected challenges. The inpatient rehabilitation unit at Newman Regional Health (located on the 2nd floor) is dedicated to helping patients who have been affected by conditions such as stroke, neurological disorders, orthopedic procedures, hip fractures, amputations, and major trauma.

We provide intensive therapy programs that assist patients in developing new skills, relearning previous skills, and fostering a healthy return to enjoyable life activities. Patients find our program is different from a routine hospital stay. We believe that caring for patients means helping them learn to do as much for themselves as possible.

Inpatient rehabilitation patients participate in:

  • One-on-one therapy
  • Community re-entry
  • Patient and family education
  • Other goal-directed activities

Our rehabilitation specialists strive to help the patient improve in mobility, strength, and independence while providing hope and encouragement to the patient and family.

Inpatient rehabilitation goals may include:

  • Maximize independence in activities of daily living: bathing, dressing, meal preparation, etc.
  • Achieve safe mobility with or without adaptive equipment
  • Improve balance and coordination and prevent falls
  • Maximize communication skills
  • Improve swallowing ability
  • Enhance knowledge of available resources at discharge

Close to home, to get you home

  • Occupational Therapy – Providing care to help patients achieve the highest level of independence possible
  • Physical Therapy – Improving the patient’s functional ability to a level that will allow for the most productive lifestyle
  • Speech & Language Therapy – Providing treatment, support, and care for adults who may experience difficulty while communicating, Including the Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) and Vial Stim.
  • Social Work – Educating patients about their recovery process, coordinating discharge, planning aftercare, and providing support to the patient and their family
  • Nutrition – Providing nutrition interventions including diet adjustments and education based upon each patient’s assessed needs to support optimal strength and recovery

Inpatient Rehabilitation Simulated Living Suite

Patients are provided an opportunity to practice their independent living skills in a controlled environment prior to discharging home. The simulation allows patients to practice getting in and out of bed, preparing meals, washing dishes, working a television set, doing laundry, and many other everyday things we take for granted. Working with a patient in this setting helps staff determine challenges patients may still have while simultaneously building confidence in the patient prior to discharge. 

Due to the advances in the care of stroke patients and those with traumatic injuries, patients have an opportunity to return to their own home instead of an advanced care facility.

There are currently 18 Inpatient Rehabilitation facilities/units in Kansas. Newman Regional Health is the only Critical Access Hospital with an Inpatient Rehabilitation unit.

Take a virtual tour of the simulated suite:

Connect With Us

Newman Regional Health
1201 W 12th Avenue
Emporia, KS 66801
Newman Medical Plaza
1301 W 12th Avenue
Emporia, KS 66801