Car Seat installation can be challenging for a new parent or even a seasoned parent. Installing a car seat correctly will help ensure it performs correctly during an accident.
For your Car Seat a Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician will educate you on:
- Car seat selection: Ensuring the car seat or booster seat is in good condition and is appropriate for the child’s height, weight, age and developmental levels
- Direction: Facing the car seat in the correct direction for the child’s height, weight, age, and developmental levels
- Location: Placing the car seat or booster seat in the appropriate location within your vehicle
- Installation: Installing the car seat or booster seat correctly in your vehicle and teaching you how install the seat on your own
- Harnessing: Securing the child in the car seat, booster seat or seat belt
Kansas CPS Certified (Pending) Car Seat Safety Station
Park your vehicle in the designated location at the East Entrance (Patient Tower/Visitors)
Conducted the Last Tuesday of each Month, 3:00 – 4:00 PM
- January, 28
- April, 29
- August, 26
- September, 30
- October, 28
- November, 25
- December, 30

620-343-6800 Ext. 21043
Get More information on what to expect – Get a Car Seat Checked | National CPS Certification
Car Safety Seat Appointment Request
Please fill out this form to assure correct installation of your safety device

Learn more about the Newman Regional Health Emergency Department
Additional Resources
Kansas Traffic Safety Resource Office
Safe Kids Worldwide
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Car Seat Recall List